You May Need a Child Support Attorney in Suffolk County NY

by | Sep 12, 2013 | Lawyers

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If you have been struggling with your finances due to a lack of child support, it may be time to take your ex back to court to make sure that you get the money that you are entitled to. Of course, if you tried to take them back to court on your own, there is a good chance that the judge is going to look at you like you are crazy. Instead, get on the phone with Todd J. Zimmer & Associates. This way, you will have someone on your side who understands the child support laws. Someone who is going to talk to the judge and make sure that you get the money that you are entitled to.

Set up an appointment with a Child Support Attorney in Suffolk County NY as soon as possible. After all, this is money that is legally entitled to your children. They shouldn’t have to go without the things that they need just because the parents have decided to part ways. It is still the legal obligation of the noncustodial parent to take care of these things. If they aren’t paying their monthly obligations, it’s time to hire an attorney.

Children can be very expensive to raise. Sometimes, paying to get them into school along with lunch money, school clothes, and everything else can cost a small fortune. You as the custodial parent should never have to work long hours that take away from time with the children simply because your ex isn’t paying their support. Instead, turn your problems over to an attorney. He will work closely with the judge to convince him to make sure that you get this money.

Going through a divorce can be a great strain on your finances. This can be very frustrating when you don’t have enough money to pay the bills and properly take care of the kids. Rather than struggling with these things, hire an attorney who will make sure that you get the money that you are entitled to. This way, you can properly care for your kids and everyone can move on with their lives.

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