Texas has a very complicated child support system. That is why noncustodial parents should consult a child support lawyer in Downers Grove, IL. It is beneficial to have a child support order that one can pay regularly. If not, failure to pay could result in garnishment and jail time.
Child Support Is Based on the Needs of the Children
Child support payments are paid to custodial parents to support minor children. Further, these payments are not the same as alimony. Judges sign an order stating what a parent must pay until the child turns 18. Disabled children and those still in high school receive child support after age 18. However, minor children who are married or emancipated do not qualify for support payments.
Lawyers Make Sure the System Works for You
Child support payments are based on a formula. However, certain things can be taken into consideration to adjust the formula. A child support lawyer inDowners Grove, IL argues for a client when adjustments need to be made. For example, adjustments may be made for tax payments, health insurance premiums, and other child support orders.
Payments Are Based on Net Income
Lawyers at Mallios & Associates PC will explain that net income refers to all family resources. This includes both parents’ incomes from all sources including employment, interest, and rental income. Interestingly, personal injury settlements and tax credits are used to tally net income. Further, a reduction in other payments, like alimony, is included in net income.
Actual Payments Are Based on a Percentage
Texas requires that monthly payments be based on a percentage of net income. The percentages range from 20% for one child to 40% for five children or more. The percentages equal to $1710 for one child to $3420 for those with a monthly net income above $8500. Those making less than $8500 per month pay the percentage for the number of children they have.
Non-custodial parents should be aware that support can be based on one’s ability to earn. Hence, engineers cannot work a fast food job to pay less child support. For more information, visit cesariowalker.com.