You Need an Assault Lawyer Reading Your Side

by | Jul 4, 2013 | Lawyer

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If you have been wrongfully accused of assault, it may benefit you to set up an appointment with the Law Offices of Sodomsky & Nigrini. After all, you definitely don’t want to try to defend yourself on your own. You are going to have lawyers who are going to be working overtime to try to prove your guilt. If you are innocent, you can talk all you want. However, nobody is going to pay attention to your innocence unless you have someone to do the talking for you. This is why you need an Assault Lawyer Reading.

Your lawyer is going to be by your side and remind you that you are innocent until proven guilty. Your lawyer will help you to get through the process of filing a lawsuit with as little stress as possible. Your lawyer will accept phone calls from the plaintiff’s lawyers. This way, you won’t make the mistake of agreeing to something that you may not understand. If you do get a phone call from a lawyer, you can instruct them to get in touch with your Assault Lawyer Reading.

A lawsuit can be a very stressful situation. Maybe you were wrongfully accused. Maybe you are guilty. If you are guilty, your Assault Lawyer Reading may be able to convince the judge to give you a second chance. Just remember that you don’t talk to anyone without consulting with your lawyer first.

Assault is a very serious charge. It could mean time in jail as well as probationary period and even a fine. If the plaintiff chooses to do so, they may decide to get a restraining order against you. If something like this were to happen, you may not legally be able to purchase a firearm. You don’t want a restraining order on your record. This is serious business and you need an Assault Lawyer Reading who knows how to handle it appropriately. Before you worry any more about what is going to happen, set up an appointment with a lawyer today. He will help you to understand what is going to happen and he will do his best to get the charges dropped. Click here for more details.

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