If you have been awarded child support in a court of law and you have not been able to collect, it may be time to press charges. After all, you deserve this money. You have children who need to be taken care of. In order to make this happen, you need child support. You probably don’t have any idea how to begin the process. This doesn’t mean that you should give up. Instead, set up an appointment with Business Name.
You will know for certain that you have a professional on your side. She will sit down with you and go over the details of your case. If you prefer, you can ask her how you can go about having your child support automatically deducted from your former spouse’s paycheck. This way, there will be no question as to whether or not you will receive your money.
Many people may try to tell you that you are being selfish by going after this money. However, what they don’t realize is that it is legally yours. Children can be very expensive to raise. Between shopping for school clothes, registering them for school, giving them an allowance, and buying their food, they can be very expensive. Honestly, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to collect this money on a monthly basis.
Of course, your former spouse probably doesn’t want to have to pay child support each month simply because it can get expensive. However, this isn’t your problem to worry about. You need to worry about taking care of those kids. If you aren’t receiving your monthly child support, don’t hesitate to contact Newnan, GA’s Best Child Support Lawyer. This way, you will know for certain that your kids will have everything they need.
If you are collecting a monthly amount of child support yet it doesn’t seem to be enough, you may consider asking for a little extra money. In order to make this happen, you are going to have to go to court. Set up an appointment today to find out how to get started.