Your Social Security Attorney In Middletown NY is There for You

by | Oct 4, 2014 | Lawyers

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If you are at a point in your life where you are not physically capable of working, you may be able to collect Social Security benefits. However, before you can even think about starting the process, you need to set up an appointment with a Social Security Attorney In Middletown NY. After all, this is going to be a very confusing process which may take a couple of years. If you have an attorney working for you, the process will go a little faster.

When you realize all of the paperwork that you are going to have to do, you will see why it is so important to hire someone to assist you. Not to mention, you are going to have to answer questions that you may not understand. You are also going to have to prove your disability to the court.

First of all, you need to get medical attention for your health problems. Your doctor will have to verify that you are honestly disabled. You are also going to need a list of any prescription medication that you are currently taking. This way, your attorney can look at the list and determine whether or not any of these medications are going to interfere with your ability to work. If so, this will benefit your case.

It is important to understand that while you are waiting to qualify for benefits, you aren’t going to be able to work. If you are working, you are going to have to quit your job. This also means that you aren’t going to have any income. Hopefully, you have a spouse or a family member who is willing to support you during this time. Keep in mind, once you are approved for benefits, you will be paid from the time that you last applied. You could be expecting a reasonable amount of money.

Set up an appointment with your Social Security Attorney In Middletown NY. He will talk with you about the things that you are going through and help you to understand more about this process. If you decide that you would like to proceed, he will get started right away. Visit our Website for more details.

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